Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Cabinet, Monday 18th June 2018 10.30 am (Item 11.)

Cabinet is asked to:


1. Come to a view on how the organisation is performing

2. Take action to improve performance where necessary


Cabinet received a summary report, scorecard and detailed measures for each of their portfolio areas and were asked to update on those areas that were being flagged as red.


Mr Tett confirmed that he would have a separate 121 with Mr Brown to run through any within his portfolio stating that there were a number of reds relating to Public Health and would ensure these were addressed by the Cabinet Member. 


Health and Wellbeing

  • Timely CYP transitions target 50%, achieving 35.1%.  Lin Hazell stated that transitions were one of the hardest targets to meet however there had been some improvement with the establishment of a programme team.  Adults and Children’s were working together as those transitioning needed to be identified at an early age. Lin Hazell gave assurances to Cabinet that it was an area of focus
  • Placement clients receiving an annual review - implemented actions to sustain recent improvement and are currently developing a delivery plan for reviews to increase performance in 2018/19.


Children’s Services

  • Repeat referrals – This had been previously reported and working collaboratively with partners to resolve.  Work was ongoing with colleagues particularly with the Police and health services.  Work was ongoing and performance has started to increase.
  • Children in Need (CIN) reviewed in time – remedial action had not yet been put in place.
  • Children Looked After living within 20 miles of home – It was confirmed that this was due to some existing cases however the challenge going forward was to ensure that children are placed in the best location for their needs and this sometimes meant placing them out of county.
  • Children waiting months between entering care and moving in with their adoptive family – this refers to a small number of children and it was hoped this would soon move to amber.


Education and Skills

  • New Education, Health and Care plans issued within 20 weeks – up until March 2018 around 300 statements were being converted to EHCPs which was effecting response time.  It was expected that the performance rate would start to improve rapidly due to the back log being completed.
  • Key stage 4 average Attainment 8 score for pupils with a statement of SEN or EHCP – current position of 16.5% was performing higher than other local authorities in England and the South East.
  • Key Stage 4 - Attainment 8 gap between disadvantaged pupils and others – this was below England figures and was an area of concern.  Mr Appleyard confirmed that they were utilising the expertise of teachers from outstanding schools.


Planning and Environment

  • Some of the Rights of Way team have recently been brought in house and discussions are underway to bring to consider the operational aspect of the team in-house too. .  There was some public dissatisfaction and further work was needed to understand this.
  • Two areas marked as green were also highlighted; good performance on waste and fly tipping


RESOLVED: Cabinet NOTED the update, scrutinised the areas where targets had not been achieved and recognised the action being taken to improve performance.


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